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Giuliana Rancic says she’ll give pregnancy a 2nd try

SheKnows dropped by the set of E! News to get the scoop from celebrity guru Giuliana Rancic on interviewing A-listers, season four of her reality show and the chances that she’ll give children another go.

SheKnows dropped by the set of E! News to get the scoop from celebrity guru Giuliana Rancic on interviewing A-listers, season four of her reality show and the chances that she’ll give children another go.

Giuliana Ranic: Not adopting just yet

Over the last few seasons of her show Giuliana & Bill, we watched E! News host Giuliana Rancic go through many highs and lows in her attempts to get pregnant. After her devastating miscarriage last year, Giuliana tells us she’s just focusing on having fun this year.

“We had kind of a tough season last year,” Giuliana tells SheKnows. “We were trying to have a kid and it didn’t go the way we wanted, so now we’re like, ‘Let’s do everything we couldn’t do if we had a kid.’ So we’re just having fun and letting go.”

Despite rampant rumors that she is currently pursuing adoption, G tells us she hasn’t discarded the idea of natural birth.

“At some point we’re going to try IVF again and definitely try to have a baby naturally,” says Giuliana. “Whether or not that works, we’ve always been open to the idea of adoption and even surrogacy.”

If she does choose to adopt, Giuliana already knows where she’ll look.

“When I went to Italy this last trip I felt such a connection to Naples and there are so many kids who need a good home and don’t have a home,” says Giuliana. “That’s where I’m from. I would love to give a kid like me an opportunity like I had. By no means has any step been taken and no papers have been done.”

The “Year of Fun”

In addition to Bill moving to L.A. this season after years of a long-distance relationship, the couple is now also playing with the idea of opening a restaurant together.

“We are thinking of opening a restaurant called Mama DePandi’s, which is my mom’s recipes,” Giuliana tells SheKnows. “The big debate is: Do we open it in Chicago or L.A.? Bill thinks no one eats in L.A. Unless we’re serving lettuce cups with air, we probably won’t do well!”

And that’s not Bill’s only gripe about the Hollywood lifestyle — Giuliana tells us he also isn’t very fond of the attitudes in L.A.

“Bill is not a fan,” says Giuliana. “The problem with L.A. is when you go to dinner, people just want to know what you do for a living and what can you do for them. In Chicago, all they want to know is, ‘Are you a Cubs fan or a Sox fan?’ It’s more about your hobbies and who you are as a person.”

Lucky for Rancic, as she affectionately calls her hubby, Giuliana says one day she would like to return to their former home.

“It’s really hard to leave Chicago,” says Giuliana. “It’s a really authentic city. Down the road, much later, I’d love to live in Chicago.”

Get all the mushy details of Giuliana and Bill Rancic‘s love story >

Q & A with G

Between her positions on E! News and E!’s Fashion Police, Giuliana has had her hands full dealing with Hollywood’s rich and famous. We grilled her on some behind the scenes scoop on your favorite celebs:

SheKnows: You’ve interviewed everyone. Do you ever still get star struck?

G: When I see Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt I get star struck. I’m such a loser I know. I love them. I love that they have all these kids, they’ve done a really good job. Say what you want about Brad and Angie, but they have done a tremendous amount of giving back with their fame.

SheKnows: Who is the worst celebrity you’ve interviewed?

G: Russell Crowe when he did Beautiful Mind and was getting famous, he was a tough interview. But when he got married and had kids, he lightened up a bit.

SheKnows: What celebrity story is captivating you right now?

G: Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony’s divorce. I think it was something abrupt. Because it’s like, where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And there was no smoke. No one saw the signs. No tabloids picked it up. And trust me, someone would have reported on them. I feel like everything was fine and then something happened. One of them did something and it was like, ‘That was a deal breaker.’ It was totally out of the blue.

For more on Giuliana and Bill Rancic, watch their reality show on the Style network (Monday, 8 p.m. ET/PT).

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