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How to make a weekly cleaning schedule

No one wants to get stuck with all of the cleaning duties around the house, which is why creating a weekly cleaning schedule is so important. Here are a few how-to tips to use the next time you’d like to divvy up chores between family members:

Woman making listStep 1: Find and hang a calendar

First and foremost, you’ll want to purchase a calendar that can be displayed in a space where everyone will see it (e.g., the kitchen or hallway). This way, no one can use the excuse, “I didn’t know it was my turn to do the dishes.”

Step 2: Make a list

Armed with your calendar, it’s time to start figuring out all of the things that need to get done around your home each week. Don’t leave anything out, from raking the leaves to picking up puppy poop in the backyard, everything goes.

Step 3: Start assigning tasks

Now that you know what has to get done, you’ll want to start assigning tasks to each family member. Keep things like age in mind (you wouldn’t want your five-year-old mowing the lawn or handling cooking duties).

Step 4: Figure out when each task should be done

Now that you’ve figure out the tasks that need to get done and who will be doing them each week, your next step is to figure out on which day the chores need to be done. Save larger tasks like outdoor work and laundry for the weekend. Don’t try to squeeze too much cleaning into one day (no one wants to feel like they’re cleaning all of the time).

Step 5: Create a reward system

With your cleaning plan in place, it’s a good idea to come up with a reward system to thank everyone—weekly—for all of the work they do. So, whenever someone finishes a task, get them to check it off on the calendar. By the end of the week, if everyone in the household has completed their chores, make it a rule that you’ll do something fun together as a family. It’s a simple way to make cleaning a bit more fun.

More home cleaning tips

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