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10 Reasons to appreciate the time you have with your kids

Come mid-summer you’ll probably be ready for school to start (though your kids won’t be!). But don’t be so quick to wish your kids back to school — they’ll be grown before you know it.

Though motherhood has its challenging times, we dare you to read this list of reasons to appreciate your kids without shedding a tear or two… or at least feeling guilty for wanting school to start already. Kidding!?

Silence is overrated

Whether they are in the midst of a screaming match, giggling their heads off to a (probably inappropriate) joke Dad told or going on and on about the latest Ninjago episode (am I alone in this?), kids are constantly making noise. And while you may pray for an hour — even a moment — of silence, remember that a house filled with the sounds of children is a home filled with love.

You can be their first favorite teacher

Being a mother automatically makes you your child’s first best teacher. You have the power to ignite your child’s love of learning at a young age by making education fun.

Read on about the importance and benefits of developing early reading skills >>

Sure she’ll head off to school soon and find a new teacher to admire, but it will be the foundation which you instilled that will carry her through years and years of schooling to come.

You can see life through their eyes

Each experience is brand new for your kids… and it can be all new again for you. Bonding over an everyday experience by seeing it through the eyes of an innocent child is refreshing and renewing.

This mom makes manicures about bonding >>

They give you endless fodder for conversation

Since becoming a mom you probably haven’t run out of anything to talk about since your favorite topic — your kids — is one that never gets old (to you, anyway).

They’ll soon turn into teenagers

With the dreaded tween/teen years often comes a newfound distance between you and your child. He’ll no longer want to hold your hand much less be seen with you at the mall. So take heart when your 5-year-old wants to be carried or given a piggy-back ride to the car after an outing — at least he still wants to be around you, even if you are a human taxicab.

Co-sleeping cuddles

Sure, your child has been sleeping in her own bed for years. But she may wake you up one odd night and ask to sleep in your bed. It will be pretty cramped, but enjoy every moment cuddling with your child in bed — feeling her warm little body near yours, watching her sleep and listening to her breathe. Just don’t let it become a habit… that can really damper your sexy time with the husband.

From the heart art

Most parents we know don’t have priceless art on their walls by famous artists… they have priceless art on their walls from their own little aspiring artists. Those handprint paintings and squiggly stick figures that your child draws for you is his way of expressing how much he loves you.

Helping hands

You know how when your child asks to help with something (cooking breakfast, folding the laundry) the task at hand ends up taking 10 times as long and is a whole lot messier? Squelch your inner Type A if the job isn’t done perfectly and just enjoy doing something together.

You are the apple of their eyes

Being a mom to young kids makes you something of a goddess. Your kids hold you on the highest pedestal. But as they grow into teenagers they may forget (hopefully temporarily) how awesome you really are. So when your little one calls, “Mommy” for the millionth time today, fight the urge to snap, “What!?” and graciously cater to his beckoning.

Check out this hilarious list of dangerous things moms survive doing every day >>

You are so lucky

There are times when we moms are frustrated, pushed to the limits, tired, even more tired and overwhelmed with the challenges of motherhood. Take a 10 second time-out to remind yourself how lucky you are that your children are happy, healthy and all yours.

Even this celebrity mom reveals motherhood can be overwhelming >>

Now dry your eyes and go smother your kids with hugs and kisses… while they’ll still let you!

More on motherhood and family bonding

4 Ways to embrace family bonding in the 21st century
How to maximize family bonding time
Liar, liar! Top 10 lies moms tell

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